It also meant the clearing of land at the end of Burlington Street; including the house of Dr. Green (opposite).
Uses for other parts of land hadn't been decided.
It would later be used for 'Church Way'.
Observations made as to the future of the Alpine Gardens; and what would be the best for the Corporation and businesses.
Moving of the Alpine Garden completed.
An article in a newspaper dated 1930, stated that there was no sufficient parking places in the town, so people had to use the Market Square when it wasn't in use, and the Alpine Gardens [square].
A later article dated 1937 asked why the taxis - that were moved from Stephenson's Place to Knifesmithgate - couldn't use the Alpine Gardens [square] instead.
It made me wonder if the pictures I've seen of cars parked near the Church belong to people going to church? or shopping?
You parked there at your own peril though as vehicle theft occured at that time too.